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Use Your Edge

Category: Learning

Learning Beliefs - 4

“When pursuing learning goals, it's not that critical to feel confident in your existing ability. You are after all, looking to increase your ability, not demonstrate that you already have it.” - A. Cox [Continue Reading]

Learning to move outside your familiarity zone

Learning is not moving outside your comfort zone but more about moving outside your familiarity zone. [Continue Reading]

It's not a setback, it's just your soap opera!

How can you call something a setback unless you know for sure that it's not going to bring you somewhere unexpected somehow, somehow, at some point down the line? [Continue Reading]

The Power of the Preposition - To & For

One of the most important questions a coach uses when they are co-creating the coaching agreement for any particular coaching session is ‘How is this X that you are bringing to the table today important or meaningful to you?’ But what does the question really mean? [Continue Reading]

Learning Beliefs - 3

Effective learning engages all five major senses. Just like young babies, we use all of our senses all of the time as we are learning. [Continue Reading]