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A Brief Encounter with Ireland

Use Your Edge - To make a difference

A Brief Encounter with Ireland


How would you like to have one simple yet powerful Ireland related classroom activity that you could use with all of your classes on or around Saint Patrick's day, in fact at any time of the year and that can also be adapted to use with any group of learners in any context?

You will find one right here!

Postcards give a window into the life and culture of any town, city or country, but what do they say about the people, the customs, the history etc.?

Temple Bar
  • How accurate a picture do they really paint?
  • What representation of the place do they give?
  • What might be missing?
  • What might you include?
  • What other ways can you think to use postcards in the classroom?

Download the Ireland Postcard Activity here.


Click to see a National Geographic documentary of Newgrange!

Here you can see a short clip of the magic of Newgrange on or around the shortest day of the year!

Saint Patrick

Visit the Saint Patrick's Day 2023 festival page to see all of the activities and events that have been prepared!


Check out the promotional video from Dublin tourism board.

Watch Dermot Kennedy singing the famous Irish ballad poem 'On Raglan Road' from Grafton street in the centre of the city.

Women in Harmony

Check out this stunning version of The Cranberries song 'Dreams' recorded during the 2020 lockdown by forty of Irish female singers and artists in aid of Safe Ireland, a charity to protect women and children.


Interested in U2? How would you like to be able to use the song 'One' in the classroom to work on a wide variety of skills and language?

Visit the website page dedicated to the song here where you can find and download all of the material

Stephen James Smith

Stephen James Smith is one of Ireland's more famous modern poets. You can visit Stephen's You Tube channel and read, listen to and watch some of his great poetry there.

Connecting to Ireland

Discover Ireland - the Irish tourist board

RTÉ - the Irish news, radio and television service

RTÉ Player - watch news and current affairs programmes, chat shows, documentaries, series and music on the TV catch up service (not all, yet quite a few programmes are available internationally)

Other activities and material

You will also find here some more Ireland related material. Ireland - Useful Links to Material & Activities!

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