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Mentoring & Coaching

Cutting edge tools, techniques & strategies to enthuse, engage and inspire learning

Mentoring & Coaching

At Use Your Edge we strongly believe that programmes of mentoring and coaching, over short or long term periods, can help give individual teachers, whole departments or leadership teams the enduring, prolonged investment and professional development to make a real impact. We offer a wide variety of mentoring programmes and options for teachers, trainers and educators including

    Male Teacher in Staffroom
  • transformational one-to-one teacher coaching
  • lesson observation, feedback and mentoring
  • group coaching for teachers on areas tailored to your organsiation's specific needs
  • one-to-one and group support for a teaching department or leadership team
  • educational leadership development

Core Coaching Skills for Teachers

We offer Core Coaching Skills for Teachers, a 35 hour course that introduces those in the educational sector to the set of core coaching skills and is especially designed to allow teachers to experience and practice “state-of-the-art” coaching tools. Participants will be exposed to how to use coaching techniques in their work relationships, and thus gain the advantage of bringing a coach approach to the educational environment.

Creating a Culture of Coaching in Schools

We also support educational organisations in Creating a Culture of Coaching in Schools where coaching is introduced across the organisation. This would involve a strengths and needs analysis, coaching training for staff members, establishing coaching protocols, implementing coaching with peers and groups as well as measuring the impact and the return on investment of coaching over time.

We realise that both coaching and mentoring are very personal processes and would recommend the first step would be to get in touch with us to discuss your school’s needs and for more information on we can support you and your organisation at yoursuccess@useyouredge.com.