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Become yourself at your very best

Sensationally Speaking - Bringing Your Language to Life

Sensationally Speaking - Bringing Your Language to Life

"We live in language like fish live in water." - Christina Hall.words-have-power-smaller

Words and language are all around us; we use them almost every moment of every day, whether we are communicating with ourselves internally or with others. As successful learners of language from a very early age, it is easy for us to take the words we use for granted.

This innovative and highly interactive session we will give you an insight into the true power of how what we say and how we say it can have such a massive impact on ourselves and others. You'll walk away with a set of awarenesses, tools and techniques that will enable you to communicate more effectively and create a long-lasting impact.

Session Objectives
  • Support participants to get an awareness of the sensory nature of language and help them bring their language to life
  • Help participants invigorate and enrich their use of language in a variety of contexts
  • Help participants develop their creativity and become more flexible when using language
  • Give participants strategies to tailor their communication to the different thought processes of the people they interact with
  • Help participants become more aware when listening to and reading language and as a result, continue the learning process after the session
Session Feedback

    "Today's session has been interesting in many different ways. It has taught me new vocabulary, phrases and useful expressions and it has given me ideas to use with my students in class. Moreover, it has been a pleasure to join the session because of the great people taking part and the amazing capacity of the teacher to get us to think and enjoy learning." - Maite Calvo del Pino - Sensationally Speaking - November 2018

"Any class with Séamus becomes an experience and perhaps an inspirational clue as to how to carry out our job as teachers and and how to deal with this kind of language both in the classroom and outside." - Santiago A.N. - Sensationally Speaking - November 2018

"Loads of new words and connotations and a great recipe book for the classroom and beyond. Fun, interesting and motivating... as usual with Séamus." - Sonia Sahuquillo - Sensationally Speaking - November 2018

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Get in touch with Use Your Edge for more information on we can support you and your organisation at yoursuccess@useyouredge.com