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Become yourself at your very best

Metaphor Matters

Metaphor Matters

Language is intrinsically metaphorical, and the way we speak reflects the way we experience, think and talk about the world. We define our reality in terms of metaphors and then proceed to act based on them. As metaphors by their very nature can be understood to be ambiguous and open to interpretation, we can use them along with stories, tales and guided journeys to affect change and influence others.

Session Objectives

By the end of Metaphor Matters you will be better able to

  • understand the power of metaphor
  • communicate a great deal of meaning with just a word or phrase
  • support others identify and determine new options, choices and outcomes
  • open the minds of the people you communicate with to multi levels of understanding
  • facilitate unconscious learning
  • develop your creativity and become more flexible when using language
  • influence and affect change by using metaphor and story

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